Cutting Fabric with the Rotary Blade on the Cameo 4
Oct 04, 2019
When I was in Utah for the Cameo 4 launch last month, my friends at Silhouette America hooked me up with one of the very few Rotary blades in the US! I will be teaching this class at the All Things Silhouette Conference next month, and needed time to prepare & do some testing in order to be ready for class!! So, while the software still needs some tweaking, (the Silhouette team is working fast & furious on that), I have been very successful in getting some great cuts on all types of fabric — with no stabilizer or interfacing!!! Hallelujah!!! Coming from a sewing/fabric background – -I have been waiting for this for years!! And I will tell you, the Cameo 4 and team at Silhouette America have not disappointed! So I wanted to share this with you today!
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